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'Let me also mention and thanks a few people who confirmed that they reached a stage in their lives where they saw their style, their métier, their outlook being echoed by others and suddenly chiming: Theodore Zeldin, Anita and Gordon Roddick, Dave Stewart… and Glenn Platt.'
Andy Law:Experiment at Work:: written while Chairman of St. Luke's - described by Harvard Business Review as 'the most dangerous company in the world'.

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  'You have certainly done your homework, and definitely have a point of view.'
Richard N. Foster Senior Partner McKinsey, and author of Creative Destruction

'An incredibly perceptive and beautifully written presentation.'
Steven M. Sharp Director of Stores & Marketing Marks & Spencer plc in response to 'Let's give Mrs. M&S a good seeing too…'

  'Really Original.'
Philip Green billionaire Chief Executive of BRITISH HOMES STORES also in response to 'Let's give Mrs. M&S a good seeing too…'
Click here for more information
  'I have to say that I was really impressed by the terrific job you made. I noticed and appreciated your attitude to innovation. It's not easy to find people with your versatile creativity.'
Stefano Caputo International Advertising & Media Director DIESEL

' I said a mental Amen.'
David Abbott in response to THE MAGISTERY's manifesto


'Tremendous creativity. You have real ability.'
Martin George Commercial Director BA

  'Glenn met every expectation of The Guide Association when he designed the new logo and badge. He researched the ethos of the organisation, empathised with the members, and related to the need for modernity whilst retaining links with the past. In his presentation to the Council, he encompassed the values of the Movement and inspired our confidence.'
Bridget Towle CBE Chief Guide
  'From amidst a pad of doodles
Rampant with wild-penned noodles
He would invent an image, then plan
colour and scan. 'A Platt, the Logo-Man'.

Always hand-cuffed to his 'Black Box' phone
See it, hear it, that constant tone and groan
He could create an invoice with poetic skill
Starting higher still. Softy, but ending at nil!

A genius, such an imaginative mind
Spine-tingling solutions, the best of his kind
New-Image and a corporate colour pallette
would stimulate the heart but scare our wallet.

Awaiting the grand unveiling of our new concept
He's arrive late and windswept, having overslept
But, the bottom line was… One Glenn…
Was worth at least 3, normal designer men…'

John Hirst Commercial Director FOSTERS
© jackade aka Glenn Platt 2003-2005
Accountants kill fairytales!
Do you figure on the Creative Richter Scake?
What inspired John Cleese to call...